Vitality Programs


Successful aging and overall well-being goes beyond therapy. Metro approaches the health of each person holistically. In addition to therapy, Metro offers engaging Vitaly programs to continue to strengthen the body and stimulate the mind. 

The Metro Active goal is to incorporate strength training in conjunction with aerobic exercise to increase muscle strength, maintain bone integrity, improve balance and mobility to enhance one’s overall mental and physical health.

  • Metro Active: The Metro-Active Fitness Program can help participants get the physical activity they need to be healthy and stay independent. It can be done virtually or socially distanced.  We are one of a select group of licensed physical therapy providers to be certified for the SilverSneakers program. 

  • Aqua Fitness - guided exercises performed in the pool provides a low impact environment, taking pressure off the joints and improving the quality of movement by reducing pain and the pull of gravity. This approach is ideal for those with arthritis, and some spinal deformities or conditions.

  • Dance and Be Fit- multiple types of music and dancing- can be done standing or sitting. 

  • Multiple genres of seated exercise: Yoga, Kickboxing, Pilates, Meditation, Reiki, etc. 

  • Mindful Movements - integration of relaxation techniques and movement to reduce stress and anxiety 

  • Strength, Balance, Gait and Stretch Classes 

  • Complimentary Balance Screening - screening using a computerized Biodex Balance System. The Balance System provides a fast and accurate fall risk assessment and conditioning program for adults. 

  • Athletic Specific Programming- Assessment of physical factors related to one’s performance in specific sports such as golf and tennis. For example, assessing one’s hand/eye coordination, trunk mobility, balance, and range of motion to be able to swing a golf club. This includes not only how to improve safety but overall performance.